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Join our CBD affiliate program

This program from CBD Revives is designed to offer you an opportunity that is free of any risk and let you capitalize in the rapidly growing CBD market. Offer CBD Revives premium products to your family, friends and followers and earn profits with us. 

CBD Revives offer 10 % commission and a bonus program which gives an exceptional earning opportunity to its affiliates. 

The question is, what is an affiliate? Affiliate is like a synonym for refer-to-a-friend except that you have unlimited earning potential being an affiliate. With every sale that we have by your reference, you will earn a certain amount of commission for that sale. You do not need to invest anything as well. No investment and tons of opportunities- sounds interesting?

How do you become a part of our affiliate program?

  • Open an account with CBD Revives.
  • Apply to our affiliate program and we shall get back to you when we have reviewed your profile.
  • Share the link that you get for affiliation and earn a commission for each sale with that link.

Why partner with us?

  • Our pure hemp oil products offer benefits that have stormed the wellness industry. Anyone regardless of age may feel the difference by using our products.
  • CBD products are setting new records every month being one of the fastest growing segments in health and nutrition industry.
  • We do not leave your hand while you look for people who might benefit from our products. We will help you reach these people and increase our sales and your commission.
  • There is no fee that you need to pay to become our partner.
  • We offer a really good payout, i.e., you will earn 10% commission every time you refer CBD Revives to somebody.
  • Your followers that you refer us to will be offered with some discount on their purchase so that you can convince more people to buy

Have any questions about the affiliate program? You can reach us anytime on for any inquery.